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文辉昌教授(华盛顿大学经营学博士)是首尔国立大学国际大学院荣誉教授,并曾担任院长。他目前是首尔科学综合大学院(aSSIST University)校长。他曾任国际竞争力研究院(IPSNC)院长和首尔科学综合大学院讲席教授。文教授曾在美国华盛顿大学、斯坦福大学、太平洋大学、纽约州立大学石溪分校、芬兰赫尔辛基经济学院、日本庆应义塾大学和一桥大学等著名院校任教。


主要研究领域包括国际竞争力、全球商业战略、海外直接投资、跨文化管理、韩国(和亚洲)商业和经济,以及创造共享价值。他开发了几个学术理论,包括关于海外直接投资的不平衡理论、全球竞争力的双钻石模型, 以及国家和企业层面发展战略的ABCD模型。


  • 华盛顿大学            国际商业管理 博士

  • 首尔国立大学        商业管理 硕士(同等学力)

  • 韩国外国语大学    英文语言 学士




他发表了许多学术论文和书籍,主题涉及国际商业战略、跨文化管理、海外直接投资、创造共享价值、韩国等东亚经济发展。他最近的著作包括“韩国经济成功战略”(2016年,牛津大学出版社)和“战略的艺术:孙子、迈克尔·波特及延申”(2018年,剑桥大学出版社)。他于2018年获得首尔国立大学学术研究奖。他目前是国际学术期刊“国际商业与经济杂志(Journal of International Business and Economy)”的主编。



  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon. The Competitiveness of Nations 3: Emerging Technologies in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2024.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Wenyan Yin. The Strategy behind the Global Success of Korean Firms: Applying the ABCD Model in Practice. In C. Rowley, J. Bae, and H. Kim (Editors), Routledge Handbook of Korean Business and Management. Oxfordshire, UK: Taylor & Francis, Forthcoming.

  • Huang, Dilong, Hwy-Chang Moon, and Guy Ngayo. “In Pursuit of Mutual Benefit: Applying the Extended Diamond Model to the US-China Trade Dispute,” Global Business Administration Review, 2024, 21(2): 20-42.

  • Huang, Dilong, Hwy-Chang Moon, and Guy Ngayo. “South Korea’s Strategic Directions in the Context of the US-China Trade War: An Application of the ABCD Model,” Journal of Economics, Marketing, and Management, 2024, 12(2): 73-81.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Wenyan Yin, “Four Strategies for Enhancing the Efficiency of ESG: Transitioning from CSR to CSO (in Korean),” Journal of Strategic Management, 2024, 27(1): 17-43.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, Wenyan Yin, and Feihu Zheng. Revitalising the Chinese Film Industry through Internationalisation and Interplay with Hollywood Films. China: An International Journal, 2023, 21(3): 105-128.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang. Military Business Strategy (Jie Liu, Wenyan Yin, Feihu Zheng, and Ruiguo Li, Trans.). Haikou, China: The South Press, 2023.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon. The Competitiveness of Nations 2: Government Policies and Business Strategies for Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2023.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Yeon W. Lee, “An Integrated Approach to the Global Strategy of Entertainment Firm: Motivation, Process and Management,” European Journal of International Management, 2023, 19(3): 388-412.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang. Global Business Strategy: Asian Perspective (2nd edition). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2022.

  • Zheng, Feihu, Hao Jiao, Junyi Gu, Hwy-Chang Moon and Wenyan Yin, “The Impact of Knowledge Flows on Asset Specificity from the Perspective Open Innovation,” Journal of Knowledge Management, 2022, 26(3): 548-573.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon. Strategic Management in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (in Korean). Seoul Economics and Business Publishing, Seoul, 2022.

  • Yin, Wenyan and Hwy-Chang Moon “Switching Governance Modes to Improve the Resilience of Global Value Chains against External Disruptions,” in Rob van Tulder, Alain Verbeke, Lucia Piscitello, and Jonas Puck (Eds.), International Business in Times of Crisis, Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon. The Competitiveness of Nations: Navigating the US-China Trade War and the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2022.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Lane Li, “Sunzi Bingfa and Michael Porter’s Diamond Model (in Chinese),” Enterprise Management, 2021 November: 37-38.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “The Development Pattern of South Korea’s Economic Development (in Chinese),” Enterprise Management, 2020, 2: 33-34.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Wenyan Yin. “Industry Drivers of MNCs’ Externalization Choice: A Conceptual Framework and Application to Korea-China Film Co-productions,” Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 2020, 35(11): 1633-1644.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Wenyan Yin. “Four Fundamental Factors for Increasing the Host Country Attractiveness of Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical Study of India,” in Krishna B. Misra (Ed.), Handbook of Advanced Performability Engineering, Switzerland: Springer, November 2020.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Wenyan Yin, “How Chinese Filmmakers Effectively Respond to Chinese Government Policy for Enhancing Their Competitiveness,” Global Policy, 2020, 11(2): 47-55.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Yeon W. Lee, “A Comparative Study of East Asian Economies: Business Structure and Innovation Strategy," in Y. Lee, T. Hoshi, and G. Shin (eds.), Shifting Gears in Innovation Policy: Strategies from Asia, APARC, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Brookings Institution Press, 2020: 215 - 236.

  • Lee, Yeon W., Hwy-Chang Moon, and Wenyan Yin. “Innovation Process in the Business Ecosystem: The Four Cooperation Practices in the Media Platform,” Business Process Management Journal, 2020, 26(4): 943-971.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Wenyan Yin, “The Changing Patterns of North Korea’s International Film Co-Productions Since the 1980s: A Global Value Chain Approach,” European Journal of Korean Studies, 2020, 19(2): 83-108.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Wenyan Yin, “Enhancing Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation through International Cluster: Implications for the Kaesong Industrial Complex,” UNISCI, 2020, 52: 115-123.

  • Yin, Wenyan, Hwy-Chang Moon, and Yeon W. Lee. 2019. “The Success Factors of Korean Global Start-ups in the Digital Sectors through Internationalization,” International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness, 14(1): 42-53.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “Increasing Opportunity and Value in Cultural Industries: A Comparative Analysis of the Successful Clusters and Implications for Hallyu,” Kritika Kultura, 2019, 32: 308–333.

  • Parc, Jimmyn and Hwy-Chang Moon, “Accumulated and Accumulable Cultures: The Case of Public and Private Initiatives toward K-Pop,” Kritika Kultura, 2019, 32: 429–452.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Jimmyn Parc, “Shifting Corporate Social Responsibility to Corporate Social Opportunity through Creating Shared Value,” Strategic Change, 2019, 28(2):115-122. DOI: 10.1002/jsc.2252.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, The Art of Strategy: Sun Tzu, Michael Porter and Beyond, UK: Cambridge University Press, July 2018.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “The Success Strategy for South Korea’s Economy: Lessons from the Innovative Growth of Silicon Valley (in Korean),” Review of International Area Studies, 2017, 26(3): 1-33.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung, Hwy-Chang Moon, and Wenyan Yin, "Enhancing National Competitiveness through National Cooperation: The Case of South Korea and Dubai," Competitiveness Review, 2016, 26(5): 482-499.

  • Jimmyn Parc, Patrick Messerlin, and Hwy-Chang Moon, “The Secret to the Success of K-pop: The Benefits of Well-Balanced Copyrights”, in Bryan Christiansen and Fatmanur Kasarci, Corporate Espionage, Geopolitics, and Diplomacy Issues in International Business, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2016: 130-148.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, Foreign Direct Investment: A Global Perspective, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2016.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “Insight: The Strategy for Korea’s Economic Success,” World Financial Review, 2016(September-October): 31-34.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, The Strategy for Korea’s Economic Success, New York, US: Oxford University Press, May 2016.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, Yeon W. Lee, and Wenyan Yin, “A New Approach to Analysing the Growth Strategy of Business Groups in Developing Countries: The Case Study of India’s Tata Group,” International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness, 2015, 10(1): 1-15.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Jimmyn Parc, “A Comparative Study of Business Strategy and Military Strategy: Comparing the Recent Automobile Industry and the Japanese Warring Time from Porterian View,” Yonsei Business Review, 2015, 52(1): 1-20. (in Korean)

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Wenyan Yin, “The Top 20 Korean Multinationals: Changes and Continued Growth of Foreign Investment,” Emerging Market Global Players, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, Columbia University, USA, 2015 (March): 1-44.

  • Remy, Sylvain and Hwy-Chang Moon, “The K-Strategy: strategic social capital for urban competitiveness,” Asian Geographer, 2015, 32(1): 1-18.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Sohyun Yim, “Re-interpreting Ownership Advantages and Re-categorizing Investment Motivations of Multinational Corporations: From the Perspective of Imbalance Theory,” Journal of International and Area Studies, 2014, 21(1): 87-99.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Jimmyn Parc, “The Economic Effects of Foreign Direct Investment: A Case of Mobile Phone Sector of Samsung Electronics,” Korea Business Review, 2014, 18(3): 125-145. (in Korean)

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Yeon W. Lee, “Corporate Social Responsibility: Peter Drucker, Michael and Beyond,” Journal of Creativity and Innovation, 2014, 7(2): 45-74.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, Young-kyun Hur, Wenyan Yin, and Clive Helm, “Extending Porter's generic strategies: from three to eight,” European Journal of International Management, 2014, 8(2): 205-225.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon, The Social Responsibility of Universities, Korea: Seoul Economics and Business Publishing, 2014. (in Korean)

  • Roh, Taewoo, Dong-Sung Cho, Hwy-Chang Moon and Yun-Cheol Lee, “The Effect of Culturally Determined Entry Mode on Firm Performance in the Global Retail Industry,” NBRI, 2013, 4(4): 290-308.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon, International Review of National Competitiveness, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2013.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and So Hyun Yim, The Korean Multinationals: Setback and Turnaround Investments, in Emerging Market Global Players (EMGP) Project, Vale Columbia Center, Columbia University, New York, 2013.

  • Parc, Jimmyn and Hwy-Chang Moon, “Korean Dramas and Films: Key Success Factors for their International Competitiveness,” Asian Journal of Social Science, 2013, 41: 126-149.

  • Park, Sang-Gyu, Hwy-Chang Moon, and Kyoung-Cheon Cha, “The Effects of Venture Firm’s Phased Internationalization and Learning Capability on Its Business Performance (in Korean),” Asia Pacific Journal of Small Business, 2013, 35(2): 129-157.

  • Park, Sang-Gyu and Hwy-Chang Moon, “A Case Study of Cooperation between Korea’s Large Firm and US Small Firm in KT Cloud Service through Network Externality Effect,” Korea Business Review, 2013, 17(3): 1-27. (in Korean)

  • Noh, Tae-Woo, Dong-Sung Cho, Hwy-Chang Moon, and Yun-Cheol Lee, “An Exploratory Study on Service Firms’ Knowledge Transfer Strategic Localization: The Case of Long-Lived Global Retailers (in Korean), Journal of the Aviation Management Society of Korea, 11(3): 47-77.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, Jimmyn Parc, So Hyun Yim, and Wenyan Yin, “Enhancing Performability through Domestic and International Clustering: A Case Study of Samsung Electronics Corporation (SEC),” International Journal of Performability Engineering, 2013, 9(1): 75-84.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon, From Adam Smith to Michael Porter (Extended Edition), Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2013.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang (Ed.), From Domestic to International Business Players, SUNY Stony Brook and Seoul School of Integrated Sciences & Technologies, ISBN: 978-89-93805-49-9, Seoul, Korea, December 2012.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, K-Strategy: The Model for Korea’s Growth Strategy (in Korean), Korea: Mirae Chang Press, 2012 November.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon, IPS National Competitiveness Research (in Korean), Seoul Economics and Business Publishing, Seoul, ISBN 978-89-88106-99-0, July 2012.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “It Is Not the Crisis of Capitalism but the Crisis of Government Policy (in Korean),” in Korean Social Science Research Council and JungAng Sunday (Eds.), Grand Discussion on Korean Society, pp.144-149, Medicimedia, Seoul, ISBN: 978-89-94612-34-8, December 2012.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, Good to Smart: The Future Business Solution for Achieving both Profits and Values (in Korean), Rainmaker, Dong-A Newspaper Press, March 2012, ISBN 978-89-7090-886-1 03320.

  • Parc, Jimmyn, Nari Park, and Hwy-Chang Moon, “A Diamond Model Approach to the Analysis of Leadership: Case Studies on Chung, Ju-yung of Hyundai Group and Lee, Byung-chull of Samsung Group (in Korean),” The Journal of Professional Management, 2012, 15(2): 1-19.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, Jimmyn Parc, and Wenyan Yin, “Types of Nation’s Operating System and a New Economic Development Model: A Case Study of Korea’s Economic Development (in Korean),” Review of International and Area Studies, 2012, 21(2): 1-30.

  • Park, Sang-Gyue and Hwy-Chang Moon, “The International Learning of a Korean IT Venture Firm: A Case Study of UniData Communication System (in Korean),” Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship, 2012, 7(1): 73-86.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, Jimmyn Parc, So Hyun Yim, and Nari Park, “An Extension of Porter and Kramer’s Creating Shared Value (CSV): Reorienting Strategies and Seeking International Cooperation,” Journal of International and Area Studies, 2011, 18(2): 49-64.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, Joseph Cheng, Min-Young Kim, and Jin-Uk Kim, “FDI, Economic Decline and Recovery: Lessons from the Asian Financial Crisis, Multinational Business Review, 2011, 19(2): 120-132.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, Chapter 7 – The Republic of Korea’s Global Players: MNEs Show Solid Recovery in 2009 after the Global Crises, in Karl P. Sauvant, Vishwas P. Govitrikar, and Ken Davies (Eds.), MNEs from Emerging Markets: New Players in the World FDI Market, Vale Columbia Center, Columbia University, ISSN 2159-2209, USA, 2011, January.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang (Ed.), Enhancing Competitive Position in a Highly Competitive Industry, SUNY Stony Brook and Seoul School of Integrated Sciences & Technologies, ISBN: 978-89-93805-40-6, Seoul, Korea, 2011.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon, National Competitiveness Research, Institute for Industrial Policy Studies and Institute for Policy and Strategy on National Competitiveness, ISBN: 978-89-87570-93-8-94320, Seoul, Korea, 2011.

  • Moon, Hee Jung and Hwy-Chang Moon, “Study on Export Competitiveness of Korea’s Defense Industry (in Korean),” Korea Association of Defense Industry Studies, 2011, 18(2): 203-226.

  • Moon, Hee Jung and Hwy-Chang Moon, “The Defense Industry in Developing Nations: A Case Study of Korea, Israel and Turkey (in Korean),” The Journal of Enterprise Studies, 2011, 6(1): 69-94.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “The Pioneer of Global Marine Industry: The Chairman of STX, Kang Duk-soo (in Korean),” in Korea CEO Association (Eds.), Korea’s High Impact CEO III, ISBN: 978-89-967769-0-1, pp. 23-62, Vision One Publishing, November 2011.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon, National Competitiveness Research: Theory, Ranking, and Application (in Korean), ISBN: 978-89-88106-76-1, Seoul Economics and Business Publishing, Seoul, May 2011.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “The Competitiveness of K-Wave using Diamond Model (in Korean),” in Byung-Jun Moon (ed.), Marketing Strategy, pp.44-51, ISBN: 978-89-92730-68-6, Bizpress, Seoul, December 2011.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, Global Business Strategy: Asian Perspective, World Scientific Publishing Co., ISBN-13: 978-9814273190, Singapore, 2010.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang (Ed.), The Next Generation of Competition for Korean Firms, SUNY Stony Brook and Seoul School of Integrated Sciences & Technologies, ISBN: 978-89-93805-32-1, Seoul, Korea, 2010.11.30.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon, National Competitiveness Research, Institute for Industrial Policy Studies and the Institute for Policy & Strategy on National Competitiveness, ISBN: 978-89-87570-91-4-94320, 428 pages, 2010.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Jin-Sup Jung, “Northeast Asian Cluster through Business and Cultural Cooperation,” Journal of Korea Trade, 2010, 14(2): 29-53.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Da-Bin Kwon, “Entry Mode Choice between Wholly-Owned Subsidiary and Joint Venture: A Case Study of the Automotive Industry in India,” International Journal of Performability Engineering, ISSN: 0973-1318, 2010, 6(6): 605-614.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Ji Youn Kim, “Comparing the Competitiveness of Korea and Singapore after Ten Years of Asian Economic Crisis,” The Review of Business History, 2010, 25(1): 75-91.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Jin-Sup Jung, “Economic Effects of Inward Foreign Direct Investment: A Case of Korea,” Korean Corporation Management Review, 2010, 17(2): 133-156.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Lorna Geddis, “The Internationalization of Entrepreneurship in South Korea,” International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, 2009, 3(3): 263-274.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung, Hwy-Chang Moon and Min-Young Kim, “Does One Size Fit All? A Dual Double Diamond Approach to Country-Specific Advantages,” Asian Business & Management, 2009, 8(1): 83-102.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, Lorna Geddis and Jin Uk Kim, “A Fresh Look at an Old Debate on Globalization versus Localization,” Journal of Organization and Management Development, 2009, 2(1): 19-38.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang (Ed.), Competing with Good Competitors, SUNY Stony Brook and Seoul School of Integrated Sciences & Technologies, ISBN: 978-89-93805-19-2, Seoul, Korea, 2009.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon, National Competitiveness Research, Institute for Industrial Policy Studies and Institute for Policy and Strategy on National Competitiveness, ISBN: 978-89-87570-72-3, Seoul, Korea, 2009.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, Michael Porter’s Competitive Advantage of Nations (Translation into Korean), 21 Century Books, January 2009.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Min-Young Kim, “A New Framework for Global Expansion: A Dynamic Diversification-Coordination (DDC) Model,” Management Decision, 2008, 46(1): 131-151.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung, Hwy-Chang Moon, and Min-Young Kim, “Characterizing International Competitiveness in International Business Research: A MASI Approach to National Competitiveness,” Research in International Business and Finance, 2008, 22(2): 175-192.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Jimmyn Parc, “Comparing Competitiveness of India and China: Are They Competing or Cooperating?” International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness, 2008, 3(1): 1-8.

  • Jo, Yung Tae, Hwy-Chang Moon, and Hyun-Ju Suh, “Evaluation and Types of Foreign Direct Investment’s Effects on National Competitiveness (in Korean),” International Business Journal, 2008, 19(4): 23-50.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Jin-Sup Jung, “A Stage Approach to the Cluster Evolution and the Development of a New Global-Linking Cluster (in Korean), The Review of Business History, 2008, 23(1): 77-104.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Jin-Sup Jung, “Korea-U.S. FTA and Inward FDI Strategy of Korea,” Korea Trade Review, 2008, 33(3): 185-216.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “Engineering Versus Marketing: An Appraisal in a Global Economic Environment,” in Krishna B. Misra, Handbook of Performability Engineering, London: Springer, 2008.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang (Ed.), Building Global Capabilities, SUNY Stony Brook and Seoul School of Integrated Sciences & Technologies, ISBN: 978-89-958040-2-5, Seoul, Korea, 2008

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon, National Competitiveness Research, Institute for Industrial Policy Studies and Institute for Policy and Strategy on National Competitiveness, ISBN: 978-89-87570-71-6, Seoul, Korea, 2008.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “Outward Foreign Direct Investment by Enterprises from the Republic of Korea,” in UNCTAD, Global Players from Emerging Markets: Strengthen Enterprise Competitiveness through Outward Investment, UNCTAD, New York and Geneva: United Nations, 2007.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon, National Competitiveness Research, Seoul, Korea: Institute for Industrial Policy Studies and Institute for Policy and Strategy on National Competitiveness, ISBN: 89-87570-70-9, 2007, 499 pages.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang (Ed.), Globalization of Korean Business, SUNY Stony-Brook and Seoul School of Integrated Sciences & Technologies, Seoul, Korea, 2007.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Jin-Sup Jung, “The Strategy and Evaluation System of Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) (in Korean),” Korea Trade Review, 32(5): 293-322.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Jin-Sup Jung, “A Strategic Approach to Culture and Economic Performance for Different Stages of Economic Development: The OUI Model and Its Empirical Analysis (in Korean),” International Business Journal, 2007, 18(1): 105-126.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “The Effects of Outward Foreign Direct Investment on Korean Firms and Economy: A Comprehensive Approach of Integrating Diverse Motivations of Investment,” International Business Review (in Korean), 2007, 11(1): 115-139.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, Jin-Sup Jung, Wenyan Yin, and Jimmyn Parc. 2007. “The Sources of Competitiveness of a Leisure City: Case Analysis of Some Successful Leisure Cities and Implications for Chuncheon (in Korean),” Journal of Leisure Studies, 5(2): 24-39.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “East Asia and the National Competitiveness in 21st Century (in Korean),” in Park, Taeho and Chul-hee Park (eds.), The Localism, Nationalism, and Regionalism in East Asia, Ingansarang Publishing Co. September 2007.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “The Correct Understanding on Inward Foreign Direct Investment (in Korean),” in A White Paper on Attracting Foreign Direct Investment, Ministry of Commerce Industry and Energy/KOTRA, 2007(December): 31-45.

  • Lee, Sang-Yong, Kwang Eui Yoo, and Hwy-Chang Moon, “Development of Hub Index to Evaluate Airport Hubbing (in Korean),” Journal of the Aviation Management Society of Korea, 2007, 5(1): 63-75.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Kim, Min-Young, “Enhancing Cooperation between Korea and Japan: An Interdisciplinary Approach of Business Competitiveness and Culture,” Hitotsubashi Journal of Commerce and Management, 2006, 40(1): 19-33.

  • Bark, Taeho and Moon, Hwy-Chang, “The Role of Inward FDI: A Case Study of Foreign Firms in the Republic of Korea,” in Shujiro Urata, Chia Siow Yue and Fukunari Kimura (editors), Multinationals and Economic Growth in East Asia, The World Bank, New York: Routledge, 2006: 157-180.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Kim, Min-Young, “The Global Expansion Strategy of Hyundai Motor: A Dynamic Diversification-Coordination (DDC) Approach,” Journal of Strategic Management (in Korean), 2006, 9(2): 31-55.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, Business Strategy: Chi and Cheng Strategy (in Korean), Credu, Seoul, 2006.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Min-Young Kim, Cooperation among APEC Member Economies: An Interdisciplinary Approach of Economic and Cultural Perspectives, APEC Study Series 06-01, Seoul: Korea Institute for Industrial Economic Policy, ISBN 89-322-0048-3, 2006.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Min-Young Kim, “Cooperation and Competition between Korea and BRICs (in Korean),” Korea Trade Review, 11(2): 69-94.

  • Jin, Byungho and Hwy-Chang Moon, “The Diamond Approach to the Competitiveness of Korea’s Apparel Industry: Michael Porter and Beyond,” Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 2006, 10(2): 195-208.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, Challenges and Opportunities of Emerging Industries, SUNY Stony Brook and Seoul Academy. 2006.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon, National Competitiveness: Theory and Practice (in Korean), Korean Economic Daily, Seoul, 2006

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “Cooperation among Japan, Korea, and China through Sharing Business and Cultural Advantages (in Korean, reprinted),” in Kim, Young Rai (ed.), Korean Enterprises and Management in the Global Age, Bobmunsa, Seoul, 2006: 447-465.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon, National Competitiveness Research, Seoul, Korea: Institute for Industrial Policy Studies and Institute for Policy and Strategy on National Competitiveness, 2006.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “The New Organization of Global Firms: from Transnational Solutions to Dynamic Globalization,” International Journal of Performability Engineering, 2005, 1(2): 131-143.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “Investment Strategies by Foreign Automobile Firms in China: A Comparative Study of Volkswagen, Honda, and Hyundai,” Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 2005, 5(2): 151-171.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon, “National Competitiveness: Implications for Different Groups and Strategies,” International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness, 2005, 1(1): 1-11.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “Economic Cooperation between Vietnam and Korea through Foreign Direct Investment,” Southeast Asian Review, 2005, 15(2): 341-365.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “The Relationship between East Asian Cultures and Competitiveness: A Comparative Study of Korea, Japan, and China (in Korean),” Review of International and Area Studies, 2005, 14(1): 1-19.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “SPC Business Strategy (in Korean),” The Review of Business History, 2005, 20(2): 135-168.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, Competitive Advantages of Korean Industries, SUNY Stony Brook and IPS, Korea: IPS, 2005 (May 12).

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon, National Competitiveness Research, The Institute for Industrial Policy Studies Korea: IPS & IPSNac, 2005.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “A Formal Modeling of the Imbalance Theory to Explain Two Directions of Foreign Direct Investment,” Journal of International Business and Economy, 2004, 5(1): 117-132.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “Cooperation among Japan, Korea, and China through Sharing Business and Cultural Advantages,” The Review of Business History, 2004, 19(3): 33-51.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Yan-Ling Yu, “The Competitiveness of China’s Telecommunications Industry Before and After China’s Accession to the WTO,” Global Economic Review, 2004, 33(2): 79-98.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Min-Young Kim, “A Central Place Model Approach to the Foreign Engry Pattern of Multinational Corporations (in Korean),” Review of International and Area Studies, 2004, 8(3): 121-144.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Donghun Lee, “The Competitiveness of Multinational Firms: A Case Study of Samsung Electronics and SONY,” Journal of International and Area Studies, 2004, 11(1): 1-21.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “The Evolution of Theories of Foreign Direct Investment,” The Review of Business History, 2004, 19(1): 105-126.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, Competitiveness of Regional Business Centers, SUNY Stony Brook and IPS, Korea: IPS, 2004.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “Multinational Interactions between Firms and the Nation State,” The Limits of the Nation-State in the Asia Pacific, Asia Pacific University Research Volume, Japan, 2003: 1-21.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, Hee-Kyung Kim, and Dong-Hyun Lee, “Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions: Case Studies of Korea, China, and Hong Kong China,” Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Research, APEC, September 2003: 1-24.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “National Competitiveness: Case Studies of Korea and China,” Competitiveness of China and Korea, Nankai University Research Volume, China, 2003: 128-156.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “The Case of Samsung Camera for Developing Distribution in China (in Korean),” Case Series by Samsung Electronics Global Marketing Research Institute, 2003(July): 1-35.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “Globalization is the Key to Enhancing Competitiveness,” Korea Focus, 2003, 11(5): 26-28.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon, National Competitiveness 2003: Annual Report on Country Rankings, Korea: The Institute of Industrial Policy Studies, 2003.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, Managing Competitiveness: A Comprehensive Analysis of Competitive Advantage, SUNY Stony Brook and IPS, Korea: IPS, 2003.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “A Theory of Explaining FDI Motivations, Global Coordination, and Entry Modes: An Imbalance Approach to the Empirical Analysis of Korean Firms (in Korean),” Review of International and Area Studies, 2002, 11(4): 1-20.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Woosik Moon, “Technology Transfer and Organizational Learning through Foreign Direct Investment: Partnership between European and Korean Firms,” Journal of Strategic Management, 2002, 5(2): 29-48.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Taeho Bark, “Globalization of Technologies: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment,” Tech Monitor, 2002, 19(1): 20-25.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon, National Competitiveness 2002: Annual Report on Country Rankings, The Institute of Industrial Policy Studies, Korea. 2002.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, Comparing Competitiveness: Techniques in the Internet Age, SUNY Stony Brook and IPS, Korea, 2002.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Thomas Roehl, “Unconventional Foreign Direct Investment and the Imbalance Theory,” International Business Review, 2001, 10(2): 197-215.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Taeho Bark, “Asian Economic Crisis, Foreign Direct Investment and Stabilized Economic Growth: Crisis Revisited and Implications for APEC Member Economies,” Journal of International Business and Economy, 2001, 2(1): 39-56.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, A. Rugman, and A. Verbeke, “A Generalized Double Diamond Approach to the Global Competitiveness of Korea and Singapore (reprinted),” in Daniel Van Den Bulcke and Alain Verbeke (editors), Globalization and the Smalll Open Economy, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA, 2001: 36-53.

  • Lim, Sunghoon and Hwy-Chang Moon, “Effects of Outward Foreign Direct Investment on Home Country Exports: The Case of Korean Firms,” Multinational Business Review, 2001, 11(1): 42-49.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Eunkyung Choi, “Cultural Impact on National Competitiveness,” Journal of International and Area Studies, 2001, 8(2): 21-36.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Moon, Hwy-Chang, National Competitiveness 2001: Annual Report on Country Rankings, The Institute of International Policy Studies, Korea. 2001.

  • Taeho Bark and Hwy-Chang Moon, “Investment Environment after the Financial Crises in the Asia-Pacific Region,” APEC Study Series, KIEP, Korea, 2000.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “Competitiveness of the Internet Industry in Korea and Japan: Case Studies of Korea Telecom Freetel and NTT DoCoMo,” Journal of International and Area Studies, 2000, 7(2): 37-52.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon, “National Competitiveness: A Nine-Factor Approach and Its Empirical Application,” Journal of International Business and Economy, 2000(Fall): 17-38.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “Extending Generic Strategies to Total Global Strategies (in Korean),” Review of International and Area Studies, 2000, 9(2): 1-15.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “A New Environment for Business Innovations (in Korean),” New Consulting @21C, Seoul: Institute of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, 2000(August): 27-38.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon, National Competitiveness 2000: Annual Report on Country Rankings, The Institute of International Policy Studies, Korea. 2000

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “Mekong Corporation and the Viet Nam Motor Vehicle Industry (translated into Korea),” Case Studies in International Business, Moon-Young Sa, Korea, 2000.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon, From Adam Smith to Michael Porter: Evolution of Competitiveness Theory, River Edge, NJ and Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co., 2000.

  • Kim, Seon-Sik and Hwy-Chang Moon, "Contrasting Models of Corporations: Investing in People to Increase Competitiveness,” Harvard Asia Pacific Review, Harvard University, 2000(Winter): 53-55.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, "Education and Competitiveness of Japanese Firms in a Changing Global Economy,” in Raj Aggarwal (ed.), Restructuring Japanese Business for Growth: Strategy, Finance, Management, and Marketing Perspective, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999: 31-41.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Seon-Sik Kim, “Location Advantages of Korea for the Telecommunication Industry: The Generalized Double Diamond Approach,” International Business Journal, 1999, 10(1): 107-127.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “Dynamic Globalization in International Business,” Journal of International and Area Studies, 1999, 6(2): 19-30.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “Explaining New Types of Foreign Direct Investment: A New Approach,” Review of International and Area Studies, 1999, 8(2): 1-20.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “POSCO, the World Leader in Steel Industry: Secrets of Its Success (in Korean),” Competitive Firm and Competitive Nation: How Can We Make Them? The Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 1999.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon, The National Competitiveness Report, The Institute of Industrial Policy Studies, 1999

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, A. Rugman, and A. Verbeke, “A Generalized Double Diamond Approach to the Global Competitiveness of Korea and Singapore,” International Business Review, 1998, 7: 135-150.

  • Cho, Dong-Sung and Hwy-Chang Moon, “A Nation’s International Competitiveness in Different Stages of Economic Development,” Advances in Competitiveness Research, 1998, 6(1): 5-19

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, "A New Paradigm for a Nation’s Competitiveness: The Case of Asian Economic Crisis,” Journal of International and Area Studies, 1998, 5(1): 45-64.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “Comparison and Analysis of International Competitiveness: A Generalized Double Diamond Approach,” Review of International and Area Studies, 7(1): 1-16.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, “Japanese Economy 1998 (in Korean),” Asia-Pacific 1998-1999, Graduate Institute for International and Area Studies, Seoul National University, 1998: 197-209.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, "Choice of Entry Modes and Theories of Foreign Direct Investment," Journal of Global Marketing, 1997, 11(2): 43-64.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Newman S. Peery, “Entrepreneurship in International Business: Concept, Strategy, and Implementation,” Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Change, 1997, 6(1): 5-20.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, Alan Rugman, and Alain Verbeke, “The New Global Competitiveness of Korea and the Generalized Double Diamond Approach,” Korean Economic and Business Review, San Francisco State University, 1997(Fall): 48-57.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and James A. Goodrich, “Making U.S. Industry More Competitive,” Review of Business, 1996, 17(3): 18-23.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Kuk-Chul Lee, “Testing Porter’s Diamond Model: Competitiveness of U.S. Software Firms,” Journal of International Management, Winter 1995, 1(4): 373-387.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, Alan Rugman, and Alain Verbeke, "The Generalized Double Diamond Approach to International Competitiveness," in Alan M. Rugman (ed.), Research in Global Strategic Management: A Research Annual, 1995, (5): 97-114.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Newman S. Peery, "Competitiveness of Product, Firm, Industry, and Nation in a Global Business," Competitiveness Review, 1995, 5(1): 37-43.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and James A. Goodrich, “Asian NICs - Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore: Similarities, Differences, and their Strategic Implications,” Korean Economic and Business Review, San Francisco State University, 1995, Spring: 68-77.

  • Lee, Kook Chul and Hwy-Chang Moon, “International Competitiveness of a Nation’s Industry: An Empirical Analysis of the U.S. and Korea Software Industry (in Korean),” International Telecommunications Policy Review, 1994, 1(1): 113-133.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, "A Revised Framework of Global Strategy: Extending the Coordination-Configuration Framework," The International Executive, 1994, 36(5): 557-574.


  • Moon, Hwy-Chang Thomas W. Roehl, "An Imbalance Theory of Foreign Direct Investment," Multinational Business Review, 1993, Spring: 56-65.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, "The Dynamics of Porter's Three Generics in International Business Strategy," in Alan M. Rugman (ed.), Research in Global Strategic Management: A Research Annual, 1993, 4: 51-64.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, "New Challenges of International Business: Theories vs. Practices," Review of Economics and Business Administration, 1992, 14: 477-488.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang, "New Challenges for Korean Conglomerates," in Thomas Chen et al. (eds), Economic and Political Reforms in Asia, New York: St. John's University, 1992: 119-133.

  • Moon, Hwy-Chang and Dae Woo Cho, “Extending the Traditional Theories of Foreign Direct Investment (in Korean),” International Business Journal, 1990, April: 107-134.

  • Halper, Donald G. and Hwy-Chang Moon, "Striving for First-Rate Markets in Third-World Nations," Management Review, American Management Association, 1990, May: 20-22.

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